The tips offered by fashion experts are summarized in several points that should be focused on when choosing women’s work clothes:

It is preferable to wear trousers or a skirt that is not loose or tight in a neutral color, rather than it is not too short.

Wear simple clothes, while avoiding exaggerated colors and strange designs.

- Regarding the subject of shoes, you should avoid wearing high-heeled shoes and choose low-heeled and flat shoes with the ability to walk in them easily and quickly, their colors should be non-bright and free of graphics and prints, while wearing classic-style socks.

General business style tips:

Wearing clothes of the best material, even if they are a little expensive, with an emphasis on an important aspect, which is the fit of these clothes with the trends of the workplace, which will give you the integrated style that you desire.

Clean clothes are a measure of elegance and prepare the person, while ensuring the cleanliness of the hair, choosing the appropriate hairstyle, down to the cleanliness of the shoes.

As for women, it is preferable to wear light makeup that is not exaggerated and gives a natural appearance.

- As for the style of the bag, you should avoid carrying embroidered bags of bright colors, with a preference for the simple design and rather large size.

- The subject of perfume is a very important topic as it is related to the general mood. Putting a strong-smelling perfume may cause inconvenience and an adverse reaction.