1- You should not wear the same bra with different types of clothes because this is very important. Bras come in different models and shapes, so you must choose the occasion to get the wonderful luster of your body.

2- You must know the appropriate size for the bra because the size of the bra changes continuously due to the factors of increasing or losing weight or pregnancy and childbirth.

3- The straps of the bra should not be tightened excessively in order to obtain a prominent and high breast because the effect of this is very slight and may have an adverse effect on you due to the exaggerated pressure, and if it remains for long periods in this position, this will lead to sensitivity and the formation of a skin layer of a different color and repulsion and to get rid of This problem requires a lot of time and effort.

4- When shopping for a bra, you should pay attention to the size of the breast position in the bra, which often comes in the form of English letters, and the size of the bra strap, which is in the form of numbers.

5- The most important advice when exercising, you should choose an athlete's bra to hold the chest in place and protect it from excessive movement and damage and sagging of breast tissue.

6- When choosing the underwear, you must know the type of fabric made and choose the fabric that allows ventilation and breathing for your skin, in addition to the model of the pants to give freedom of movement during wearing.

7- When choosing your corset, you should not buy a corset that is smaller than the correct size, because that affects your health, and a smaller corset does not mean a thinner body, but on the contrary, corsets are made of high-tensile fabrics, and not choosing the right size for you means putting on your body more pressure, fatigue and discomfort in addition For the accompanying health problem, a good quality corset and the right size will do its job perfectly.