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Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets - Elderberry, Quercetin & Vitamin C Fusion - 30 Tablets

Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets - Elderberry, Quercetin & Vitamin C Fusion - 30 Tablets


  • Empower Immunity: Argivit IMMUN tablets deliver Vitamin C combined with robust antioxidants.

  • Science Embraces Nature: Features Elderberry Extract, Vitamin C, and Zinc for all-encompassing immune enhancement.

  • Enhanced Formula: Enriched with Quercetin, Lactoferrin-Infferrin, and Grape Seed Extract.

  • Complete Health Approach: Addresses both the body's natural and learned immune mechanisms.

  • Pure & Trustworthy: Free from artificial colors and additives; designed for regular intake.

  • Endorsed by Specialists: Perfect for those aiming to reinforce their immune protection.

  • Suitable for individuals 11 years and older.

Ex Tax: $28.49

Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets - Elderberry, Quercetin & Vitamin C Fusion - 30 Tablets

Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets: The Natural Defensive Pillar

Empower your immune system with Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets. Packed with Elderberry, Vitamin C, and Zinc, it's the daily fortification your body needs.

Experience nature's potency merged with scientific innovation in the Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets. Every tablet offers a powerful mix of Black Elderberry Extract, Vitamin C, and Zinc, renowned for amplifying the immune system's function. Coupled with ingredients like Quercetin and Lactoferrin, it guarantees a holistic approach to your health. Be it prepping for the flu season or everyday immune maintenance, Argivit stands by you.

In today's rapidly evolving environment, ensuring robust immunity is more crucial than ever. Argivit Tablets serve as a beacon of health, offering comprehensive immune support in a world where threats lurk at every corner. The recent pandemics have underscored the significance of a resilient immune system for both adults and youngsters over 11. For parents, it brings peace of mind knowing they're fortified against external health adversities. For teenagers, navigating the crucial years of growth, Argivit offers a reliable shield, empowering them to thrive in dynamic settings. Immunity is our body's frontline defense, and with Argivit Tablets, every individual stands strong, prepared, and resilient.

Frequented Questions and Answers:

Q1: What sets Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets apart from other immune enhancers?

A1: Argivit melds time-honored components like Elderberry with modern elements like Lactoferrin, crafting an all-round protective solution for the body.

Q2: Are these tablets safe for daily intake?

A2: Absolutely, they're tailored for daily intake. Nonetheless, stick to the suggested dose, and always seek advice from a healthcare expert if uncertain.

Q3: Can youngsters take Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets?

A3: It's primarily formulated for individuals aged 11 and above. Always confer with a pediatrician regarding dosages for minors.

Q4: Are there any synthetic colors or additives in it?

A4: Not at all. Argivit prides itself on being devoid of artificial tints and additives.

Q5: Why include Elderberry Extract in the mix?

A5: Elderberry has a historic repute for bolstering immune functions. It serves as an antioxidant, aiding the body in warding off detrimental pathogens.

Q6: What role does Vitamin C play in immunity?

A6: Vitamin C is indispensable for bodily growth, rejuvenation, and tissue repair. It further enhances the body's defenses against ailments.

Q7: How does Grape Seed Extract enhance the formula of Argivit Tablets?

A7: Grape Seed Extract is a natural powerhouse, rich in oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs). These compounds not only combat oxidative stress and reduce inflammation but also support cardiovascular health and improve blood circulation. With Grape Seed Extract in Argivit Tablets, users benefit from both enhanced immune support and cardiovascular wellness.

Q8: Why is Lactoferrin included in Argivit Tablets?

A8: Lactoferrin, naturally found in milk, offers a diverse range of health benefits. Beyond its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, it plays a key role in iron metabolism, ensuring optimal iron levels in the body. By regulating iron absorption in the gut, Lactoferrin contributes to both immune enhancement and overall vitality.

Q9: How does Quercetin boost the efficacy of Argivit Tablets?

A9: Quercetin is a flavonoid renowned for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant attributes. When synergized with Vitamin C and Zinc in Argivit Tablets, its immune-supporting traits are amplified, providing a comprehensive and integrated approach to robust health maintenance.

Q10: Why is Selenium a key ingredient in Argivit Tablets?

A10: Selenium is vital for both metabolic and immune health. As a robust antioxidant, it counters oxidative stress and supports heart and cognitive health. In Argivit Tablets, Selenium complements other ingredients, fortifying the body's natural defenses and ensuring efficient functioning across various physiological systems.

How to Use Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets:


Individuals aged 11 and up are advised to take one tablet daily. Always adhere to the provided dosage and liaise with a medical specialist if in doubt.


Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets Ingredients:


Ingredient Quantity per 5ml scoop %BRD
Black Elderberry Extract 250 mg *-
Vitamin C 250 mg 312.5
Grape Seed Extract 5 mg *-
Lactoferrin 25 mg *-
Quercetin 50 mg *-
Zinc 5 mg 50
Selenium 0.05 mg 90.9


Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets Ingredient Benefits:


Black Elderberry Extract Benefits:

Black Elderberry, a cherished natural elixir, is famed for its ability to amplify immunity. Laden with antioxidants, it combats free radicals that can deteriorate cells and hasten aging and illnesses. The presence of Black Elderberry in Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets is intentional, aiming to provide a solid frontline defense against seasonal hazards. By opting for these tablets, individuals harness the extract's virtues, including immune health support and inflammation reduction, creating a barrier against a spectrum of pathogens.

Vitamin C Benefits:

Vitamin C, also known as L-Ascorbic Acid, is pivotal for immune health. Beyond its renowned flu and cold-fighting attributes, Vitamin C supports skin health, guards against cardiovascular diseases, and enhances iron uptake from vegetables. In Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets, Vitamin C stands as a comprehensive health promoter. Paired with other formidable ingredients, it enhances the body's innate protective measures, ensuring consistent peak health.

Grape Seed Extract Benefits:

Grape Seed Extract, beyond its association with wine, is packed with antioxidants, especially OPCs. These agents counter oxidative stress, diminish inflammation, and support cardiovascular health. By infusing Grape Seed Extract into Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets it not only strengthens immunity but also supports the heart and circulatory system, truly showcasing nature's potency.

Lactoferrin Benefits:

Lactoferrin is a known immunity champion, possessing antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal prowess. Its roles extend to iron regulation and inflammation reduction. Integrated into Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets, Lactoferrin both directly enhances immunity and by fine-tuning iron uptake, promotes overall vigor and vitality.

Benefits of Quercetin:

Quercetin, a naturally occurring flavonoid found abundantly in many fruits, vegetables, and grains, stands as a testament to the power of nature in promoting health. Recognized for its strikingly potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, Quercetin is more than just a compound—it's a health shield. Its ability to combat oxidative stress is well-documented, making it an ally in the fight against cellular damage and the associated aging process.

Moreover, research has unveiled its potential in supporting cardiovascular health. By promoting balanced blood pressure levels and fostering vascular integrity, Quercetin acts as a sentinel for heart health. Studies also suggest it has a unique capability in inhibiting the growth of harmful cells, pointing towards potential anticancer effects.

But where Quercetin truly shines is in its synergistic effect with other nutrients, particularly Vitamin C and Zinc. Within the Argivit Immune Boost formula, this flavonoid acts as a linchpin, amplifying the body's defense mechanisms and ensuring a harmonized approach to overall wellness. When you consider Quercetin's wide-reaching benefits—from bolstering immune defenses to protecting the heart—it's clear why it's such a pivotal component in the Argivit line-up.

Zinc Benefits:

Zinc is fundamental for numerous body processes, from immune responses to DNA repair. Regular Zinc intake is associated with reduced aging diseases and enhanced immunity. With Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets offering a reliable Zinc source, it not only fortifies immunity but also supports cellular functions, making it an integral component of the tablets.

Selenium Benefits:

Selenium, albeit in trace amounts in our body, is vital for metabolic and immune efficiency. As a potent antioxidant, it tackles oxidative stress, promoting heart health and cognitive function. In Argivit Immune Boost C Tablets, Selenium complements other constituents, offering a broad-spectrum shield against health challenges, buttressing the body's defenses, and promoting well-rounded physiological function.

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Argivit Multi Vitamins and Supplements

Argivit multivitamins and supplements

Argivit's diverse range of supplements is meticulously crafted to target various health and wellness needs. From boosting immunity, enhancing mental clarity, and promoting growth in children and adolescents to supporting men's vitality and aiding cognitive function, these Turkish supplements are formulated using premium ingredients adhering to international quality standards. The series includes syrups, tablets, and drops, ensuring there's a suitable option for everyone. With a foundation of essential vitamins and minerals, plus key ingredients like L-Arginine, Phosphatidylserine, L-Carnitine, and DHA, Argivit supplements are a fusion of nature and science, designed to promote a healthier, vibrant life.

What is Argivit?

Argivit supplements are a range of nutritional products formulated in Turkey, designed to cater to the diverse health needs of both children and adults. The products are crafted with high-quality ingredients to adhere to international standards, ensuring safety and efficacy. These supplements are aimed at boosting immunity, improving mental performance, and increasing appetite and height, among other benefits. Available through StyleTurk, a verified distributor, Argivit supplements are certified Halal and ISO, confirming their quality and adherence to global standards.

How Does Argivit Meet the Nutritional Needs of Every Family Member?

Argivit's comprehensive range caters to all family members, offering targeted nutritional support. For children, products like Argivit Syrup aid in height growth and immunity, while Argivit Focus and Argivit Tablet provide mental clarity and focus, which is beneficial during exams or hectic days. For adults, the various Argivit supplements support energy, immunity, and even hair loss prevention, addressing common health concerns. By adhering to high-quality standards, Argivit ensures safe, effective supplements, making health maintenance a hassle-free task for the entire family.

How Can Argivit Cater to the Unique Nutritional Needs of Children?

Argivit is crucial for children as it caters to their growing needs. Products like Argivit Focus and Argivit Smart are tailored to enhance focus and cognitive abilities, making learning easier. With Argivit Classic and Argivit DHA Drops, children receive essential vitamins and minerals, supporting their immunity and overall growth. The presence of arginine in some products aids in combating short stature, making Argivit a comprehensive choice for nurturing a child's health. By offering a range of Argivit supplements, parents can address the diverse nutritional needs of their children, promoting a foundation for healthy development.

How Does Argivit Promote Height Growth Across Different Age Groups?

Argivit's range of products, notably featuring arginine, caters to varying growth needs. For children and teenagers, products like Argivit Focus and Classic are tailored to support height increase, addressing short stature issues. The arginine, vitamins, and minerals in these formulations support natural growth processes. For adults, while the primary aim isn't height increase, maintaining a well-nourished body with Argivit's nutritional supplements promotes overall well-being. The diverse Argivit line ensures that every family member's nutritional requirements towards a healthy stature are met, making Argivit an essential part of your family's health regimen.


Why is Argivit a Key Player in Boosting Height for Children?

Argivit, with its specialized formulations like Argivit Focus and Classic, is tailored to address height growth in children. The core ingredient, arginine, alongside a rich blend of vitamins and minerals, facilitates natural growth processes. Argivit not only aims at height enhancement but also nurtures overall health, making it an indispensable choice for supporting your child's growth journey. With its varied product line, Argivit ensures each child's unique nutritional needs are met, solidifying its role in fostering healthy height development.


How Does Argivit Spearhead Height Growth in Teenagers?

Argivit's distinct formulations, mainly Argivit Focus and Classic, are tailored to bolster height growth among teenagers. With arginine as a pivotal ingredient, alongside a spectrum of vitamins and minerals, Argivit facilitates the natural growth spurts typical in adolescence. Beyond height enhancement, it caters to the holistic health needs of teenagers, making Argivit a quintessential companion during the crucial teenage growth phase. The diverse Argivit product range ensures a well-rounded approach to meet nutritional demands, thereby crucial in optimizing height growth during the teenage years.

Can Argivit Aid in Height Enhancement for Adults?

While Argivit primarily targets the wellness of children and teenagers, its range like Argivit Man Bright Gold Complex, offers adults a myriad of health benefits. Though height increase post-adolescence is rare, Argivit's comprehensive nutritional support contributes to overall adult health. By meeting daily nutritional requirements, it ensures adults remain energetic, focused, and enjoy a robust immune system. Argivit's blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients makes it a valuable addition to an adult's daily regimen, fostering overall well-being even if height enhancement isn't a typical outcome.

How Can Argivit Elevate Athletic Performance?

Argivit's unique formulations offer essential nutrients promoting enhanced energy, focus, and immunity—critical factors for athletes. With products rich in L-Arginine and L-Carnitine, Argivit supports muscle development, cardiovascular health, and recovery, aiding athletes in maintaining peak performance. The variety in the Argivit lineup ensures a tailored approach to meeting the nutritional demands of athletic lifestyles, making Argivit an invaluable companion for athletes aiming for the pinnacle of their abilities.

Why is Argivit a Man's Ideal Companion for Vitality and Wellness?

Argivit's diversified range, especially the Argivit Man Bright Gold Complex, caters to men's specific health needs. With a blend of vital nutrients, it addresses energy, vitality, prostate health, and even intimate moments. The presence of essential vitamins and minerals in Argivit products supports overall well-being, making them a reliable choice for men seeking a holistic approach to maintain vigor, vitality, and a positive lifestyle. Argivit's meticulously crafted formulas stand as a testament to its commitment to men's health, solidifying its place as a go-to solution for daily nutritional support.
Argivit Man Bright Gold Complex is tailored for men, addressing issues like prostate health and vitality. It's a reliable companion for men navigating age-related changes, ensuring they remain active and healthy.

How Does Argivit Cater to Women's Nutritional and Wellness Needs?

How Does Argivit Woman Bright Gold Complex Cater to Women's Unique Health Needs?

Argivit Woman Bright Gold Complex is a meticulously crafted supplement designed for women. It addresses common women-centric issues like menstrual cramps and mood swings, thanks to its blend of Grape Seed Extract, Watermelon Extract, and Safr’Inside™. By promoting skin health, reducing stress, and providing sustained energy, it holistically enhances women's wellness. With nutrients that support hormonal balance, and alleviate menstrual symptoms, it's a daily wellness boost for women aiming for a balanced, active life.


Ensuring safe and effective supplements, Argivit makes health maintenance a hassle-free task for the entire family. Argivit offers a range of products tailored to cater to the unique nutritional needs of children. Products like Argivit Focus and Argivit Smart are designed to enhance focus and cognitive abilities, making learning easier. Argivit Classic and Argivit DHA Drops provide essential vitamins and minerals that support children's immunity and overall growth. Arginine in some products aids in combating short stature, making Argivit a comprehensive choice for nurturing a child's health. 

Argivit's range of products, featuring arginine, caters to varying growth needs. For children and teenagers, products like Argivit Focus and Classic are tailored to support height increase, addressing short stature issues. The arginine, vitamins, and minerals in these formulations support natural growth processes. For adults, maintaining a well-nourished body with Argivit's nutritional supplements promotes overall well-being. The diverse Argivit line ensures that every family member's nutritional requirements towards healthy stature are met, making Argivit an essential part of your family's health regimen.

Argivit is a key player in boosting height for children as it's specialized formulations like Argivit Focus and Classic are tailored to address height growth in children. The core ingredient, arginine, alongside a rich blend of vitamins and minerals, facilitates natural growth processes. Argivit not only aims at height enhancement but also nurtures overall health, making it an indispensable choice for supporting your child's growth journey. With its varied product line, Argivit ensures each child's unique nutritional needs are met, solidifying its role in fostering healthy height development.

Argivit's distinct formulations, mainly Argivit Focus and Classic, are tailored to bolster height growth among teenagers. With arginine as a pivotal ingredient, alongside a spectrum of vitamins and minerals, Argivit facilitates the natural growth spurts typical in adolescence. Beyond height enhancement, it caters to the holistic health needs of teenagers, making Argivit a quintessential companion during the crucial teenage growth phase. The diverse Argivit product range ensures a well-rounded approach to meet nutritional demands, thereby crucial in optimizing height growth during the teenage years.

While Argivit primarily targets the wellness of children and teenagers, its range like Argivit Man Bright Gold Complex, offers adults a myriad of health benefits. Though height increase post-adolescence is rare, Argivit's comprehensive nutritional support contributes to overall adult health. By meeting daily nutritional requirements, it ensures adults remain energetic, focused, and enjoy a robust immune system. Argivit's blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients makes it a valuable addition to an adult's daily regimen, fostering overall well-being even if height enhancement isn't a typical outcome.

Argivit's unique formulations offer essential nutrients promoting enhanced energy, focus, and immunity—critical factors for athletes. With products rich in L-Arginine and L-Carnitine, Argivit supports muscle development, cardiovascular health, and recovery, aiding athletes in maintaining peak performance. The variety in the Argivit lineup ensures a tailored approach to meeting the nutritional demands of athletic lifestyles, making Argivit an invaluable companion for athletes aiming for the pinnacle of their abilities.

Argivit's diversified range, especially the Argivit Man Bright Gold Complex, caters to men's specific health needs. With a blend of vital nutrients, it addresses energy, vitality, prostate health, and even intimate moments. The presence of essential vitamins and minerals in Argivit products supports overall well-being, making them a reliable choice for men seeking a holistic approach to maintain vigor, vitality, and a positive lifestyle. Argivit's meticulously crafted formulas stand as a testament to its commitment to men's health, solidifying its place as a go-to solution for daily nutritional support.

Argivit Woman Bright Gold Complex caters to women's unique health needs with a blend of essential nutrients promoting energy, vitality, and overall well-being. It addresses women's specific health concerns, including hormonal balance, skin and hair health, energy, and vitality. With Argivit Woman Bright Gold Complex, women can feel empowered to take charge of their health and well-being.


Important Themes:

Argivit, Family Health, Well-Being, Growth Support, Energy Boost, Focus Enhancement, Vitality, Specialized Formulations, Children, Teenagers, Adults, Athletes, Argivit Focus, Argivit Classic, Argivit Man, Argivit Woman, L-Arginine, L-Carnitine, Vitamins, Minerals, Nutritional Supplements, Immunity, Cognitive Abilities, Holistic Health, Hormonal Balance, Skin Health, Hair Health, Prostate Health, Muscle Development, Cardio Health, Recovery Support, Daily Nutrition.