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FoliRoy Folic Acid 5mg Tablets, Your Partner in Health & Wellness, 50 High-Purity Tablets

FoliRoy Folic Acid 5mg Tablets, Your Partner in Health & Wellness, 50 High-Purity Tablets
  • Prevents Neural Tube Defects: Essential for pregnant women to support fetal development.
  • Treats Folate Deficiency Anemia: Restores normal folate levels, promoting red blood cell production.
  • USP Grade Folic Acid: Ensures high purity and effectiveness for reliable supplementation.
  • Supports DNA Synthesis: Critical for genetic material replication and cellular repair.
  • Easy-to-Swallow Tablets: Convenient yellow, uncoated tablets designed for easy ingestion.
  • Storage and Safety: Store below 25°C, away from light and moisture; keep out of children's reach.
Ex Tax: $3.00

Harness the Power of FOLIROY Folic Acid 5mg Tablets for Enhanced Health

FOLIROY Folic Acid 5mg Tablets are your essential partner in health, particularly for those managing conditions like folate deficiency anaemia and neural tube defects in developing fetuses. This powerful supplement, containing high-quality synthetic folic acid, ensures adequate folate levels, crucial for DNA synthesis and cell growth. Regular use can prevent folate deficiency caused by dietary gaps, certain medications, and increased body requirements, such as in pregnancy. Additionally, FOLIROY helps safeguard the health of unborn babies by preventing neural tube defects like spina bifida, making it an indispensable aid for women at risk.

The Essential Role of FOLIROY Folic Acid in Maintaining Optimal Health

Understanding the importance of FOLIROY Folic Acid Tablets in the human body cannot be overstated. As a vital component of the B-vitamin complex, folic acid plays a critical role in numerous bodily functions, including the creation of red blood cells and the proper development of a baby's neural tube during early pregnancy. Its ability to help prevent major birth defects and support blood health makes it a crucial supplement for overall well-being. By maintaining proper folic acid levels with FOLIROY, individuals can significantly improve their health outcomes and prevent complications related to folate deficiency.

Who should take folic acid tablets?

FOLIROY Folic Acid 5mg Tablets are an excellent choice for several groups of individuals who can greatly benefit from its health-promoting properties:

  • Pregnant Women: Folic acid is vital for pregnant women, especially during the early stages of pregnancy. It helps prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida in the developing fetus. Women planning to conceive or who are in their first trimester are strongly advised to supplement with folic acid to support healthy fetal development.
  • Individuals with Folate Deficiency: Those diagnosed with folate deficiency anaemia, whether due to poor dietary intake, increased physiological needs, or conditions that hinder nutrient absorption, will find FOLIROY Tablets beneficial. Folic acid supplementation can help replenish body stores, aiding in red blood cell formation and preventing complications associated with deficiency.
  • People Taking Certain Medications: Individuals on medications that affect folate metabolism, such as anticonvulsants for epilepsy, may require additional folic acid to prevent deficiency. FOLIROY provides a reliable source of folic acid to counteract these effects.
  • Those at Risk of Heart Disease: By aiding in the regulation of homocysteine levels—a known risk factor for cardiovascular diseases—folic acid can play a role in heart health. Regular intake of FOLIROY can help maintain heart health in individuals predisposed to or concerned about cardiovascular conditions.
  • Older Adults: As the body ages, the ability to absorb nutrients efficiently can decrease. Older adults, particularly those with dietary restrictions or chronic conditions that impact nutrient absorption, can benefit from folic acid supplementation to maintain health and prevent deficiency-related issues.

By supporting crucial bodily functions such as DNA synthesis and red blood cell production, FOLIROY Folic Acid 5mg Tablets are an essential supplement for maintaining overall health and preventing specific health issues related to folic acid deficiency.

In-Depth Analysis of FOLIROY Folic Acid 5mg Tablet Ingredients

Benefits of Folic Acid: The Key to Cellular Growth and Reproduction

Folic acid, a crucial member of the B-vitamin family, is pivotal for several body functions, particularly in DNA synthesis, repair, and methylation, as well as cell division. As outlined in the National Institutes of Health literature, folic acid supplementation is essential for preventing birth defects, particularly neural tube defects such as spina bifida in developing fetuses. Moreover, it aids in the production of healthy red blood cells, preventing types of anemia caused by folic acid deficiency. Regular intake of FOLIROY Folic Acid 5mg can combat folate deficiency triggered by dietary gaps, medication, or increased physiological demands.

The Role of USP Grade Ingredients: Ensuring Purity and Potency in Supplements

The term "USP" refers to the United States Pharmacopeia, a standard used to denote the purity, strength, quality, and consistency of ingredients used in medications and dietary supplements. USP grade signifies that the folic acid in FOLIROY tablets meets stringent regulatory standards, ensuring that consumers receive a high-quality product that is safe and effective. This level of quality is crucial for critical nutrients like folic acid, where precise dosages are necessary to achieve desired health outcomes, such as preventing neural tube defects and managing folate deficiency anemia.

Understanding N-[p-[[(2-Amino-4-hydroxy-6-pteridinyl) methyl]-amino] benzoyl]-L-glutamic Acid: A Building Block of Life

This compound, a detailed chemical description of folic acid, highlights its complex structure, which is essential for its role in the human body. The biochemical structure enables folic acid to participate actively in the transfer of single-carbon units, which is vital for synthesizing and repairing DNA. The amino groups contribute to its ability to interact with enzymes that regulate homocysteine levels in the blood—elevated levels of which are associated with heart disease and other health issues. By including this ingredient in its active form in FOLIROY tablets, the product helps maintain essential metabolic functions and promote cardiovascular health.

Frequently Asked Questions About FOLIROY Folic Acid 5mg Tablets

  1. Q1: Who should take FOLIROY Folic Acid 5mg Tablets?
    A1: FOLIROY Folic Acid Tablets are recommended for pregnant women, individuals with diagnosed folate deficiency anemia, people undergoing certain medical treatments such as epilepsy medication or kidney dialysis that can deplete folate levels, and anyone needing to manage homocysteine levels to support heart health.
  2. Q2: When is the best time to start taking FOLIROY if I am planning a pregnancy?
    A2: It is best to start taking FOLIROY Folic Acid Tablets at least one month before conception and continue throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. This helps ensure adequate folate levels to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the developing fetus.
  3. Q3: Are there any side effects associated with FOLIROY Tablets?
    A3: FOLIROY Folic Acid Tablets are generally well-tolerated. However, some individuals might experience mild side effects such as nausea, loss of appetite, or a feeling of bloating. Severe allergic reactions are rare but require immediate medical attention.
  4. Q4: How should FOLIROY Tablets be stored?
    A4: Keep the tablets in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, at temperatures below 25°C. Ensure the bottle is tightly closed to prevent moisture from affecting the tablets. Always keep medicine out of reach of children.
  5. Q5: Can children take FOLIROY Folic Acid 5mg Tablets?
    A5: FOLIROY is suitable for children and adolescents with a doctor’s prescription, particularly for treating folate deficiency anemia or metabolic disorders. The dosage for children varies based on age and specific condition, so it should always be taken under medical supervision.
  6. Q6: What should I do if I miss a dose of FOLIROY?
    A6: If you miss a dose of FOLIROY, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it's almost time for your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for the missed one. Always consult with your healthcare provider for any concerns about missing doses.

How To Use FOLIROY Folic Acid 5mg Tablets

Step-by-Step Guide to Taking FOLIROY Tablets

Consult Your Doctor:

  • Before starting FOLIROY Folic Acid 5mg Tablets, consult with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage based on your health condition, age, and specific needs, such as pregnancy or treatment for folate deficiency anemia.

Taking the Tablet:

  • Swallow the tablet whole with a glass of water. Do not chew or crush the tablet as it is meant to be ingested whole to ensure proper absorption of the active ingredients.

Dosage Guidelines:

  • Adults: Typically, the dose to treat or prevent folate deficiency is 5mg per day, which may be adjusted up to 15mg as per medical advice.
  • Pregnancy: To prevent neural tube defects, start with 5mg per day before conception and continue through the first three months of pregnancy.
  • Children: Dosage must be specifically tailored by a healthcare provider. A more suitable form of the medicine might be recommended for very young children.


  • Take your dose at the same time each day to maintain even levels of folic acid in your body. Consistency helps enhance the effectiveness of the treatment and reduces the likelihood of missed doses.

Monitoring Your Health:

  • Regularly visit your healthcare provider to monitor your health condition and adjust the dosage if necessary. This is particularly important for pregnant women and individuals with ongoing health conditions.


  • Store the tablets in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. Keep the container tightly closed when not in use.

Missed Dose:

  • If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it's near the time of your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your regular dosing schedule. Do not double the dose.

Safety Precautions:

  • Keep the medication out of reach of children.
  • Do not use the tablets after the expiry date stated on the package.
  • Inform your doctor about any other medications you are taking to avoid potential interactions.

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